Detasemen Khusus 88 Anti Teror (Densus 88 AT) of the Indonesian National Police conducted a search at the residence of a suspected terrorist in Sukabumi. Among the items seized was a pen-shaped firearm. The house belonged to an individual identified as HJ (56), who was one of the suspected terrorists apprehended in Jayaratu Village, Sariwangi District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The police raid took place in Sukamaju Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi Regency, on Saturday, December 28, 2024, from 09:00 to 14:00 local time. The Forensic Laboratory (Inafis) was also involved in the operation.
At least 32 pieces of evidence were confiscated, including a pistol with ammunition, radicalism-related books, and a pen that doubled as a firearm. All evidence was taken to the Sukamaju Village office for identification before being further handled by the authorities. Hendri Gustiawan, the Secretary of Sukamaju Village, stated that the confiscated items included a pistol (type unspecified, possibly a soft gun), several bullets, pen guns, and books on jihad and legal principles.
According to information received by Hendri, the suspected terrorist was affiliated with the Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) network and was not an executor of operations. The individual reportedly held a bureaucratic position equivalent to a four-star rank within the NII.
Read the full news article here.
Source: DetikJabar, December 29, 2024.